Input 2 - using the online system

Instructions for using the online peer assessment system at Input 2.

Reviewing other students' work

Halfway through the Edinburgh Award, you will have to complete two tasks using the online system to judge other students’ submissions:

  • rank each submission against the learning objectives; and
  • provide feedback on each submission you see.

Please note: when you first start using the system, you will probably find it takes a while to read the submissions, make your judgement, and write your feedback. After your first few judgements you'll start becoming much quicker as you'll know what to look for and how to give feedback.

Tip: many people find that it is helpful to have a pen and paper with them while they review submissions - this lets them take a few notes while reading.


Before using the online system to judge other students’ submissions…

Please read the sections below on providing feedback and using the online system.

Providing feedback - halfway through the Award


Instructions for using the system
