Your reflections

Information about writing up your reflections.

At the beginning of the Edinburgh Award, you will be asked to choose three skills that you particularly want to strengthen. During the Award you will look at how you can increase the impact you have on others. This process of strengthening your skills and increasing your impact is central to the Award.

Watercolour lightbulb captioned \"Owning\"

You will  be required to write two accounts that show consideration of your progress and reflection on your skills and the impact you've made:

  • once roughly halfway through the Award - this looks at your progress so far and your plans for the remainder of the journey; and
  • again towards the end of the Edinburgh Award - this looks at your overall journey since beginning the Award.

In both submissions you have to describe:

  • what progress you have made (if any);
  • what steps you have taken to try to improve your skills/impact; and
  • what you have learned from your experiences.

The standard template should be used for your submissions.

Before writing and submitting your reflections

Check out the section on Learning Objectives - this will guide you in how your submission will be reviewed and also provides links to example reflections.

Learning Objectives

More tips on reflecting and examples of effective reflections.

Tips for reflection

Reflection examples

Submission template

A standard template must be used for your submissions and is available below. Instructions for completing the template, including how to name your submission file, are provided below: