The process

An outline of the entire process when you're using the online peer assessment system, from submitting your reflections to receiving your result.

Submitting your reflections

At Inputs 2 and 3 you will be asked to capture and submit your reflections using a standard template. Your Award leader will inform you of the deadline to submit these reflections.



Reviewing other students' work

Once the deadline has passed, your Award leader will provide instructions to complete the peer reviews and submit your feedback. You will need to log into MyEd,  click "Launch Learn", and open the relevant Edinburgh Award course to complete both tasks.

On the system, you will be shown 8 different reflections from other students undertaking the Edinburgh Award - the pieces of work you review may be from students doing different versions of the Award. 

There will be a  time frame of around five days during which all students have to judge 8 reflections at both Input 2 and  Input 3. Both times you will rank every submission against the Learning Objectives

  • Input 2: You will rate each piece of work you review against the Leaning Objectives and provide written feedback, both positive and constructive, based on how successfully you feel the reflection meets the learning objectives.
  • Input 3: You will grade each piece of work on a scale of 1 to 5, depending on how well the reflection meets the Learning Objectives.


Accessing your feedback

  • Input 2: Once the five days of peer assessment have passed, you will be able to read the feedback you were given by your peers by going to the same DropBox within Learn where you completed your reviews. Click the "Read reviews" button to see the feedback left on your work and use the blue arrows to navigate between pieces of feedback.
  • Input 3: Once all students have completed their reviews and the five day window has passed, you will be advised by email of the outcome of the peer review process. If your peers feel that your submission does not meet the minimum standard required, you will be given the opportunity to resubmit by a given deadline - pease note that there will only be a few days before the resubmission deadline. If your submission passed the standard required, you will be informed that you have received the Edinburgh Award (this will happen after the resubmission deadline has passed).