Structure helps

One possible way to help structure your reflections is to use the CARL framework (Context, Action, Result & Learning).

For reflecting on the skills/abilities you wanted to develop during the Award:

Context - What is the context, for example what was your role and what was the skill you wanted to develop (and why)?

Action - In that context, what did you do to work towards developing the skill?

Result & Learning - What were the outcomes of your actions? What went well? What stretched you? What didn’t work? What did you learn as a result? Why does it matter to you? How does it influence how you would approach something similar in the future?

For reflecting on the impact you had during the Award:

Context - What is the context, for example, what was your role, its purpose and in what areas you were trying to develop personally?

Action - In that context, what did you do to try to have an impact?

Result & Learning - What were the outcomes of your actions? What impact did you have on the people and/or organisation(s) around you?